Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar calls for subdued Purim celebrations following ISIS terrorist attack in Moscow.
The collapse in Shushan foreshadowed Jewish history, as the exact same scenario repeated itself throughout our tortured exile.
On Purim, we turned things, in the words of the megillah, “on their head,” and what looked to be a disaster was transformed into a grand deliverance. Here's hoping we can do it again.
The traditional theme of the holiday – encouraging gifts for the needy – was also a perfect background for what happened on Purim on Ward’s Island.
The Jerusalem Post Magazine reached out to people to share their experiences about the war and Purim.
Make sure that your legacy is a fond one for your heirs, and that no one is forgotten or slighted. Do all involved a favor and update your will and any beneficiary designations.
The Book of Esther teaches presidents, prime ministers, and commoners an excellent lesson in understanding the link between Providence and human endeavor.