Precise network invests 25 million shekels in Precise House Mantegna Roma hotel. Ron Ben Haim, Chairman and owner: "Excited to launch a hotel in a beautiful city."
The court sentence came just 10 days after a video emerged of hundreds of men making fascist salutes during a gathering in Rome.
The forces that drove Rome to become Christian did not immediately transform the empire into an entity that practiced modern Christianity. It was a process.
The remains were thought to have been from between the second and fourth centuries.
Contrary to expectations, the peer-reviewed research demonstrates that Interamna Lirenas thrived well into the 3rd century AD, resisting decline for an impressive 900 years.
The find includes a cache of four Roman swords and the head of a deer-shaped handle, estimated to date back nearly 1,900 years, and are in excellent condition.
Let’s take a look at some idioms related to battle and see what they mean and how they originated.
A viral video shows the embarrassing moment when the groom's mother unintentionally steals the spotlight during a romantic marriage proposal in Italy.
The event will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Israel time.
The Vatican has been vocal in calling for the release of all hostages as well as a ceasefire.