sanctions against iran

US imposes fresh sanctions over Iranian arms, cyber activity

The sanctions, announced in separate statements, represent Washington's latest efforts to punish Tehran, whose proxies in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Gaza have attacked US and Israeli targets.


US issues sanctions targeting group in Iraq it says is behind recent attacks

The US Treasury Department in a statement on Friday said it imposed sanctions on six people affiliated with Kata’ib Hezbollah.


EU considering sanctions on Iran, Hamas - report

The documents also showed that the EU wants Arab states to have a strong presence in any sanctions regime.

Florida Governor DeSantis voices support for Israel, ‘leads’ against antisemitism

“Divesting from any company that supports Iran and ensuring that students are able to attend Jewish Day Schools safely is of utmost importance,” Florida Governor DeSantis said.


UK sanctions more Iranian officials to mark anniversary of Mahsa Amini death

The sanctions impose a British travel ban on those named, block any of their British assets and prevent UK entities from doing business with them.


Iran’s Raisi demands return of $7 billion in frozen assets from S. Korea

South Korean banks are holding onto $7 billion Iran says it is owed for the sale of oil products, according to the Mehr News Agency. 

E3 planning to keep Iran sanctions despite sunset

The Foreign Office did note that Iran’s repeated development and testing of ballistic missiles violates the UN Security Council resolution banning them from doing so.

Europeans plan to keep ballistic missile sanctions on Iran

Keeping the EU sanctions would reflect Western efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them despite the collapse of the 2015 deal.


US sanctions IRGC members involved in Iranian assassination plots

The US Treasury Dept. said the move targeted three Iran- and Turkey-based individuals and a company affiliated with the IRGC-Quds Force and two senior officials of the IRGC's Intelligence Organizatio

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