“We wanted to find out if giving people rewards helps them to quit smoking in the long term," said Professor Caitlin Notley, lead author of the study from UEA’s Norwich Medical School.
This increase is similar to the one that occurred in March 2024, when the government raised the purchase tax on cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and roll-your-own tobacco.
If a smoker who smokes 10 cigarettes daily quits on January 1st, they can prevent losing a full day of life by January 8th.
The new regulation will prohibit smoking in all public or publicly accessible outdoor spaces, including sidewalks, squares, outdoor cafés, and parks.
Study reveals ex-smokers with over eight pack-years have similar heart attack risk as current smokers.
As Sukkot takes on new meaning as a symbol of resilience and hope, ensure maximum comfort in your sukkah.
The report shows a rise in medication use, obesity, and smoking, a decline in cancer screenings, concerns over excessive sleep, and anti-anxiety drug consumption.
Olmaya event hall's 10th anniversary features the Mee(a)t Festival Garden, offering kosher meat, wine, and more, from July 30 to August 8.
The study emphasized the critical need for rigorous media surveillance and regulatory measures to ensure fair and balanced reporting.
Israel falls behind in terms of smoking, as smoking rate in the US has declined significantly, with about 12.5% of adults currently smoking cigarettes, down from 20.9% in 2005.