A high-intensity earthquake is expected to occur within the next 50 years between southern Lebanon and the Dead Sea along the Syrian-African Rift.
Netanyahu wasted a huge amount of money on developing an Israeli COVID vaccine at a lab unsuited for the job – and it failed anyway.
Israeli State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman also noted that the IDF has failed to have proper naval defenses for natural gas rigs.
From 2012 to 2022, 115 families were evacuated from four settlements and neighborhoods in the West Bank under the said criteria: Migron, Amona, a number of houses in Ofra and Netiv HaAvot in Elazar.
Eighty-seven percent of IMPA initiated reports passed on to police or other law enforcement bodies didn't lead to investigations being opened.
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman encouraged the defense companies to improve the integration of minority populations.