Syrians are the biggest group of asylum applicants in Austria and Germany, with with 72,420 asylum applications this year in Germany, and 12,871 in Austria.
Thousands of Syrian refugees continue to be denied safe asylum and face violations of their rights, with Human Rights Watch accusing Europe of complicity.
After a 7-year-old was harassed by a Syrian refugee, a mob set fire to Syrian-owned businesses, overturned cars, and demanded the expulsion of refugees.
State officials frequently say Cyprus is on the frontline of irregular migration in the eastern Mediterranean, though the rate of increase has tapered off this year.
Experts say Lebanese politicians use Syrian refugees to bargain for more international aid.
Unregistered Syrians have been ordered to leave Istanbul, a move seen as politically motivated in light of Turkey's recent elections and growing discontent with the refugee population.
By opening more pathways for refugees to study and work, countries can both support refugees and leverage their capabilities.
Erdogan has said he aims to ensure the return of one million refugees within a year to the opposition-held areas.
Uncertain future faces millions as they find they cannot move easily, can’t return to Syria and can’t flee as refugees.
Fearful of having their heads crushed, or being dragged to death, more than 200,000 people have fled the war made possible by the US decision to withdraw.