Showing how Israeli religious and non-religious Jews have united during wartime, the study reflected that 18% of Israelis now believed there to be strong conflicts between religious and non-religious
Many of the 20 thousand teens have lost family and friends in the war and experienced its horrors firsthand.
ANC and DA unite in South Africa's new government, marking a historic shift with economic priorities outlined for national unity.
On the heels of Jerusalem Day and throughout the year, let us celebrate those whose love for their city knows no bounds and unites its people in harmony.
Natan Sharansky has been involved with almost everything Jewish and Israeli over the years. During this challenging time, he shares his thoughts on current events.
The common denominator in antisemitic attacks? The victims were Jews. Their views on Israel were irrelevant; the attackers didn’t know or care whether their targets were pro- or anti-Israel.
Amid global strife, it's time for unity and moral leadership.
Organizers emphasized that the march was the culmination of continuous collaborative efforts between civil organizations and schools throughout the year to promote common life in the region.
By our respecting each other and joining together in one giant blaze of glory, we can shine a beacon of unity into the heavens that can dispel any plague, any war, any crisis.
This will be a very different Independence Day