women empowerment

Israeli becomes first woman in Bedouin town to drive an ambulance

Lina Ezberga, an emergency medic who grew up in Kuseife, received her ambulance license after she started volunteering at MDA six years ago.

Over 1 million women went missing in India from 2019 to 2021 - report

Causes cited in regard to the tremendous number of missing women were trafficking for forced marriage, domestic work, sexual exploitation, and child labor.

The Jewish people are a family, albeit a dysfunctional one - opinion

The MOMentum organization believes in focusing on Jewish unity, despite the things that seem to divide us.


Jewish women's org. celebrates eight women who changed Israeli history

The campaign will be integrated into existing Momentum programs like the Momentum Fellowship and the Momentum Yearlong Journey. 

Why do women have longer life expectancies than men in Israel?

The differences between the genders are getting smaller and smaller by the decade, but one fact still exists - women live longer than men. Is it biology, genetics, or maybe a matter of character?


Highest-ranking woman in Israel Police: Avoid self-pity

These many positions, especially for a male-led organization like the police, have forced Bar Zvi to face many a challenge.

'Women don't need to be perfect to succeed' - Israeli business owner

International business owners Inna Braverman and Danielle Biton offer hope to other young women in leadership positions.

Investing in employee diversity and well-being is key to success

'Alma is a proud Israeli company that has established ten subsidiaries around the world in recent years, but still maintains its headquarters in Israel' says Anat Kenan of Alma Lasers.

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