
Diaspora Jewry is the collective name for the Jewish communities outside of the Land of Israel. Historically, these communities go back to big historical events like the Babylonian exile, the siege of Jerusalem and the expulsion from Spain. Today, the biggest Diaspora communities exist in the United States, France, Canada, the UK and Russia.

'Israel is worst terror organization on planet,' says Dan Bilzerian

He made a similar comment just a few days previously when he tweeted "Israel is a terrorist state."

Leila Khaled, guarded by a Palestinian policeman (L), reaches for the hand of a supporter after cros

Johannesburg to rename street after socialist Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled

Khaled, 79, rose to prominence following her successful hijacking of one plane in 1969 and her failed hijacking of a second plane in 1970.

Under fire and hungry: Ukrainian Jews face Rosh Hashana amid war and crisis

The aid operation, orchestrated by Chabad Ukraine and IFCJ, is a lifeline for thousands of families struggling in an economy ravaged by war.

I’m Haitian and Jewish, I refuse to have my identities be weaponized

I bring a unique perspective to this issue as the child of both Haitian and Jewish parents who worked tirelessly for community safety and democracy here in the United States.


Tax-exempt status of US anti-Israel groups linked to terror and vandalism demanded to be revoked

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) filed a series of letters to the IRS calling them to revoke the tax-exempt status of groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine citing links to vandalism and violence.


German expert warns: Islamist, European antisemitism dangerously intertwined

A virtually lone voice in academia, Dr. Matthias Küntzel strives to research, study, and expose the underlying antisemitic discourse sported by Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood.


Academic delegation from Central Asian Muslim republics visits Israel amid war

Participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan defeat prejudice, praise coexistence, and call for strengthening relations.


Protestors disrupt Berkeley event featuring MK Simcha Rothman

According to the report, the event was interrupted and had to be moved to an online platform. 

Jewish Life Stories: George Berci, 103, the Holocaust survivor who revolutionized surgery

Jewish luminaries remembered: A Holocaust survivor who transformed surgery, a Polish Progressive rabbi, a New York philanthropist, and much more.


Thousands of non-Jews order mezuzahs after pro-Israel Christian puts one on her door in solidarity

The campaign drew immediate reactions from Jews on social media — some scathing, others gently discouraging and a few supportive.

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