Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

Domestic violence in Israel: One-in-10 suffers from intimate partner violence

The study was conducted through surveys and focus groups, and Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics assisted in carrying out the study.


Moody's credit drop: Top 10 things to note from the ratings rationale

While it cited intensified geopolitical risk as the key driver in this ratings decision, the agency painted a complex and bleak picture of Israel's economic and political future.


Border Police arrest close to 500 who entered Israel illegally

The arrests were part of a large-scale operation carried out throughout the country and in conjunction with various border police units. 

 OU Israel Center.

Jerusalem Vibe: Big moves for the new year

The Israeli branch of the Orthodox Union is pursuing a new decentralized model in which it will partner with local synagogues around Jerusalem and beyond. 


Hiking in the holy land: Enjoying panoramic views of rolling hills from within ancient walls

Itri is well situated to gaze out on its beautiful surroundings. But the location is strategic – there was more to the positioning of Itri than sunset views.

  Conductor Daniel Barenboim

'Jerusalem on Earth': A veteran journalist captures Jerusalem's Golden Age

Now, 36 years later, Rabinovich republishes Jerusalem on Earth in a revised edition lavishly illustrated with photographs.

  An illustrative image of a parent coming to pick children up from school in Israel.

Worm-filled food, ex-cons: What is the state of Jerusalem's after-school programs?

The first three weeks of the school year were shadowed by a crisis involving after-school programs, and many problems still continue. We now take a look at how bad the situation was.

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Former PM Ehud Olmert: Israel killed Imad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah's then-military chief

Former PM Ehud Olmert confirms Israel's role in the 2008 killing of Hezbollah's Mughniyeh, breaking 16-year silence on covert Syria mission.

Israelis divided on Gaza war strategy and future relations with Palestinians

The Mitvim Institute's 2024 Foreign Policy Index reveals sharp divisions in Israeli public opinion on the Gaza war, future Palestinian relations, and foreign policy.

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