One of my favorite cookies are biscotti, which come in a variety of shapes and forms.
the treats that are hidden inside. I also store all my legumes and grains in glass jars, and these are the only decorations I have in my kitchen.This is one of the reasons I like to bake interestingly shaped and flavored cookies. I also tend to prepare cookies that stay fresh for a long time, which are perfect for sending with soldiers going back to the army. Sometimes I prepare a few different types of cookies at once and store them all in the glass jars so that when friends and family members come over, they eyes are automatically drawn to them and they are more than happy to taste each one.One of my favorite cookies are biscotti, which come in a variety of shapes and forms. They can be long or short; thin or wide; dark or light. And their texture can be altered by adding extras to the batter, such as raisins, nuts, oats, dr There’s nothing more pleasing than seeing glass jars filled with homemade cookies sitting on my kitchen countertop. That’s why I never buy ornamental metal containers, even if they’re gorgeous, since you can’t see ied fruits, cocoa powder or chocolate chips.Biscotti are best made using wet hands, since the dough is a little sticky. You can prepare a number of small loaves if you want the cookies to be small, or one large one if you like large cookies, which make great gifts.DIETETIC, GLUTEN-FREE BISCOTTIThese cookies are fat-free and the liquid comes from the eggs. You can swap honey in place of sugar, and this recipe is also gluten-free.1 cup of sorghum flour½ cup ground almonds2 Tbsp. tapioca2 Tbsp. cornflour
1 Tbsp. Xanthan gum (thickening agent)1 packet baking powder½ tsp. baking soda¾ cup sugar (or honey or silan)2 eggs½ tsp. vanilla extract1½ cups nuts (almonds, pecan, hazelnuts or pistachios)½ cup sugar-free cranberriesIt’s important to sift all of the dry ingredients. Knead the dough using wet hands. Bake the rolls and then cut the biscotti and let them harden. The rest of the recipe is the same as the other biscotti recipes. If you’re in a hurry, you can use tami flour, which is gluten-free.KAMISHBROTThese cookies, also known as mandelbrot, are the Lithuanian version of almond biscotti.Makes 25 to 30 cookies.120 gr. almonds with skins120 gr. sugar120 gr. flour, sifted4 egg yolks1 packet vanilla sugarMargarine or oilMix the almonds, half of the sugar and all of the flour in a bowl. Whip the egg whites. While mixing, gradually add the rest of the sugar and the vanilla sugar. Whip until stiff peaks form. Fold in the flour.Grease a long pan with tall straight sides (this is extremely important). Pour in the batter and bake in an oven that was preheated to 180° for 45 minutes until cake turns golden. Take out of oven and let cool.Remove cake from the pan, wrap in a towel and store in a dry place for three days. Cut the cake into very thin strips with a sharp serrated knife. You should be able to cut right through the whole almonds, which give a nice look for the biscotti. Bake the slices in an oven that has been heated to 180° for 15 minutes. Let cool and store in an airtight container.CHOCOLATE NUT BISCOTTIMakes 35 to 40 cookies.1½ cups flour, sifted2 Tbsp. cocoa powder (if you prefer cookies to be lighter,use only 1 Tbsp.)½ packet baking powder¼ tsp. baking soda1 packet vanilla sugar1 to 2 drops quality vanilla2 XL eggs¼ tsp. salt¾ cup sugar¾ cup hazelnuts (or pecan or walnuts)¾ cup almonds (or pistachios)Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl and mix all the wet ingredients in a second bowl. Then mix the wet and dry ingredients together.With wet hands, form two or three loaves and place on a tray that’s covered with baking paper. Bake in an oven that has been preheated to 180° for 35 minutes, or until the middle of the cake is solid to the touch, but the top is still light – they don’t need to turn brown. Remove from the oven and let cool completely.Cut each loaf into slices that are ½ cm. or 1 cm. thick. Place slices on a baking tray and bake for 20 minutes in an oven that has been preheated to 150° until they are golden brown. Turn the pieces over and bake for another 15 to 20 minutes. Let cool and then store in an airtight container.MATCHA AND FRUIT BISCOTTII chose to add matcha, a finely ground powder made from green tea leaves, and candied dried fruits to these biscotti.Makes 35 to 40 cookies.1½ cups self-rising flour, sifted1½ Tbsp. matcha1 Tbsp. orange zest1 Tbsp. lemon zest¼ tsp. salt¼ tsp. fresh ginger, grated (optional)½ tsp. baking sodaPinch of cardamom, finely ground¼ cup sugar-free cranberries¾ cup herbal teas (pomelo, citrus, berry, etc.)2 Tbsp. sugar¼ cup honey1 large egg1 tsp. vanilla extract2 to 3 Tbsp. waterIn a bowl, add the flour, matcha, orange and lemon zest, salt, ginger, baking soda, cardamom, and cranberries. Add the herbal teas and sugar and mix.In a separate bowl, mix the honey with the egg, vanilla and water. Add the flour and then pour into mixture and stir. With wet hands, form a long loaf. Place it on a tray that is lined with baking paper. Bake in an oven that has been preheated to 180° for 20 to 25 minutes until a toothpick comes out dry.Cut the loaf into slices that are ½ cm thick and place them on a tray. Bake them for another five to eight minutes on each side (don’t let them get too dry – they’ll continue to harden as they cool). Store in an airtight container.Translated by Hannah Hochner. For more recipes visit: