The study, which took data from millions of children, finds no correlation between ADHD and COVID-19.
Countries are due to finalize negotiations on the accord on May 10, with a view to adopting it at the WHO's annual meeting later this month, but sources involved say that big differences remain.
There is the ideal Seder in your mind and then there is the real Seder in your house with impatience, rolling eyes, spilled wine, siblings quibbling, and – yes – a lack of the children’s interest.
Several Haverford College student organizations held a class last Wednesday teaching how Israel supposedly used COVID-19 against Palestinians.
The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that it is critical to get vaccinated for Measles, amid world cases rising drastically.
With a war to finance and COVID-19 expenses still lingering, Israeli taxation is going only one way, which isn’t down.
This winter, Israelis face overcrowded hospitals, long ER waits, and high flu rates in Israel. Here are some tips on illness prevention and home care.
Pioneering research reveals how empathetic communication can help overcome hesitation to roll up their sleeves to protect health.
"These findings highlight the fact that there are animals that depend on us in the city, as well as the flexibility of these animals and the complexity and diversity of the urban ecosystem.”
The findings suggest that US public health interventions focused on the vaccination of young children in October may yield the best protection in typical flu seasons, the authors insisted.