Deliciously simple: Homemade olive oil and za'atar cookies

These savory treats are embarrassingly easy to make. Use pre-made puff pastry for perfect, quick, and crunchy cookies with a hint of za'atar and olive oil.

 Homemade olive oil and za'atar cookies (photo credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)
Homemade olive oil and za'atar cookies
(photo credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)

The beloved sugared cookies get an addictive twist with za'atar and olive oil. They're so easy to make, it's almost embarrassing. Using pre-made puff pastry, spread a mixture of olive oil and za'atar, roll, slice thinly, and bake to crispy perfection in no time.

All that's left to decide is what to dip them in – good labneh or maybe some tahini.

Ingredients for 60 small cookies:

300g puff pastry

⅓ cup classic olive oil

3 tablespoons za'atar blend


1. Roll out the puff pastry on a floured or parchment-lined work surface. If needed, lightly roll it out.

2. Mix the olive oil and za'atar together, then spread it evenly over the entire pastry. Cut the dough in half and roll each side from both ends, as if rolling a scroll. Place the rolled dough in the freezer to firm up and make slicing easier.

3. Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F).

4. Slice the rolls thinly and evenly. Place the slices on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

5. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cookies are golden and crisp. Your home will be filled with the wonderful aroma of za'atar. Let cool and store in an airtight container.

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By Orly Plai-Bronstein, in collaboration with Olive Tree Oil.