PurDentix Reviews: My Honest Results! Real Teeth & Gum Improvements or Side Effect Complaints?

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

PurDentix is a dental health supplement available exclusively online.

By taking one PurDentix lozenge daily, you can purportedly reduce tooth decay, lower inflammation, and promote overall oral health.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about PurDentix and how it works today in our review.

What is PurDentix?

PurDentix is a nutritional supplement marketed to anyone with teeth problems, gum issues, and other oral health problems.

Available exclusively online, PurDentix uses a blend of probiotics and other natural ingredients to promote oral health from the inside out.

The remedy was developed by a medical researcher named John Ferman, who based the formula on an ancient Inuit remedy. Many Inuit people have flawless teeth despite lacking access to modern dental care. By taking PurDentix daily, you can use an Inuit-inspired remedy to promote powerful oral health effects.

PurDentix is sold through PurDentix.com, where it’s priced at $69 per bottle.

PurDentix Benefits

Some of the benefits of PurDentix, according to the official website, include:

  • Based on 8-second Inuit remedy
  • Support gum and tooth defense
  • Blend of natural ingredients, including probiotics
  • Easy-to-take, daily lozenge
  • Backed by 60-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Created by medical researcher

How Does PurDentix Work?

PurDentix is based on an 8-second Inuit ritual.

Historically, the Inuit people, who live in the high Arctic regions of North America, have had impressive oral health. Despite many of them lacking access to modern dental care, they have straight teeth, strong gums, and low rates of mouth disease.

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John Ferman, creator of PurDentix, wanted to find out why. His research led him to discover a range of natural ingredients linked to a reduced risk of tooth and gum disease – including frozen meat packed with probiotic bacteria and eaten by Inuit people regularly.

Each PurDentix lozenge is packed with probiotic strains. By adding multiple probiotic strains into the formula, PurDentix has made it easy for anyone to enjoy the benefits of the Inuit ritual from the comfort of home. To activate these effects, just take one PurDentix lozenge daily.

Click here to find out more about PurDentix >>>

Who Created PurDentix? About John Ferman

PurDentix was created by a medical researcher named John Ferman. John has been a medical researcher for 31 years and lives in Arizona.

Despite being a medical researcher, Ferman is presented wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope, suggesting he directly treats human patients. He also appears to work with dental patients and even prescribed antibiotics to his own mother, suggesting he has formal dental or medical experience beyond simply being a researcher.

John Ferman developed PurDentix based on an 8-second Inuit ritual. He wanted to find a natural solution to tooth decay and gum disease, so he scoured the world. Eventually, his search led him to discover the Inuit and the ingredients in PurDentix.

John is worried his formula won’t be online for long: he claims his lawyers could ask him to take down the website shortly because it threatens big pharmaceutical companies and their profits.

PurDentix Targets the Root Cause of Oral Health Problems: The Bioshield

PurDentix works by targeting the root cause of oral health problems: the bioshield that protects your teeth.

According to the makers of PurDentix, every single person with oral health problems also has a bioshield problem. As your oral health problem continues to occur, it gets through your bioshield, attacking the teeth underneath.

As your bioshield weakens, it strengthens bacteria in your mouth that cause disease in the first place. These bacteria latch onto your gums, teeth, and other parts of your mouth, preventing them from being washed away through a simple mouthwash or toothbrush.

The longer you ignore bacteria, the weaker your bioshield gets and the worse your oral health problems become. Over time, this increases the risk of serious oral health problems – from gum inflammation to tooth decay.

By taking one PurDentix lozenge daily, you can normalize your mouth’s microbiome using probiotics and other active ingredients, helping to restore your bioshield from the inside out.

Click here to find out more about PurDentix >>>

John Developed PurDentix to Solve His Mom’s Tooth Problem

PurDentix creator John Ferman had a personal motivation to develop the supplement: he watched his mom struggle with tooth decay.

One day at a family dinner, John noticed his mom struggled to chew. Her teeth were growing increasingly brown and yellow. Her breath was horrible, and she even developed sleep problems, sinus issues, and other health problems. Her gums were puffy, inflamed, and bleeding. Her teeth were “even becoming loose,” according to John.

John told his mom to come into his office, where he conducted an examination. Despite being a medical researcher, John seemed comfortable treating his mom and even telling her to take antibiotics, suggesting he has direct patient treatment experience.

Unfortunately, none of John’s recommendations worked.

John’s mother’s oral health problem became a crisis one night when she collapsed in the kitchen and was rushed to the ER. Doctors performed an MRI scan and saw “dozens of white specks” throughout her brain, claiming it was “mostly bacteria” and “fungus.” The doctor claimed her mouth bacteria had crossed the blood-brain barrier and entered her brain, threatening her life.

To make a long story short, John started to research natural remedies for his mom’s oral health problems instead of doctor-prescribed antibiotics. That remedy would ultimately become PurDentix.

Your Mouth is Swarming with Bacteria

John developed PurDentix specifically to combat bacterial species living in your mouth. According to John’s research, there are over 770 species of bacteria living in your mouth.

Some of these bacteria, like probiotic bacteria, are good. They help your saliva break down food and extract nutritional value.

Other bacteria, like Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) and Candida albicans (C. albicans), are linked to serious health conditions. They increase the risk of gingivitis and gum inflammation. They worsen oral health.

When you have too much bad bacteria in your mouth, you swallow these bacteria every time you eat. These bacteria enter your stomach and bloodstream. They cross the blood-brain barrier. It enters the lymph nodes and affects major organs like the liver and kidneys. It increases the risk of problems throughout your body.

By taking PurDentix daily, you can purportedly balance your mouth’s microbiome and your gut microbiome, helping to normalize bacteria levels throughout the body.

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Why Tooth & Gum Disease Aren’t Your Fault

PurDentix is based on the idea that tooth and gum disease isn’t your fault: toxins in the environment have destroyed your bioshield, allowing bacteria to infect your mouth.

John Ferman and his team at PurDentix blame toxins like fluoride, for example, for disrupting the bioshield and causing oral health problems:

Tooth Killer #1: Fluoride: John Ferman, creator of PurDentix, describes fluoride as a “toxic chemical.” Many of us learn that fluoride is essential for strong, cavity-free teeth. Fluoride, according to John, “does nothing” to help with teeth; instead, he describes it as an “industrial waste product.” Despite its toxicity, fluoride is found in toothpaste and tap water. Fluoride can discolor teeth and reduce mineralization, increasing the risk of tooth decay and bacterial infections.

Tooth Killer #2: Excessive Brushing: Excessive brushing “strips away this protective layer called the bioshield.” The bioshield keeps your teeth naturally healthy. The more you clean your teeth, the more you damage this protective layer. John claims water picks, electric toothbrushes, and other “modern” dental solutions are making these problems worse.

Tooth Killer #3: Antibiotics & Mouthwash: Many dentists and doctors recommend antibiotics for oral health problems. Antibiotics, theoretically, kill bad bacteria in the mouth to restore oral health. However, John Ferman discovered antibiotics actually kill all bacteria in the mouth. Mouthwash has a similar effect, killing 99.9% of mouth bacteria.

Indigenous People Have Nearly Perfect Teeth

John Ferman discovered many indigenous people worldwide have nearly perfect teeth.

He started to research the Inuit peoples of northern Canada, for example, and was impressed by their oral health. However, he later researched indigenous peoples of the Yucatan peninsula and found they also had nearly perfect teeth and gums.

John thought it could be linked to diet. However, he found neither group had similar dietary preferences: the indigenous peoples of the Yucatan, for example, tended to have a sugary, fruit-heavy diet, while the Inuit ate mostly meat.

Digging further, however, John realized the secret was bacteria:

The Inuit people ate frozen meat before it was cooked.

This frozen meat preserved probiotic bacteria within the meat, including hundreds of species of good bacteria.

These good bacteria “colonized their mouth, teeth, and gums,” contributing to a strong bioshield.

Based on his research, John theorized poor dental health was linked to poor probiotic balance in the mouth, ultimately leading him to create PurDentix.

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PurDentix Ingredients

John Ferman, creator of PurDentix, identified several strains of probiotic bacteria linked specifically to oral health.

John is careful to explain that these probiotic strains are “uniquely important to your mouth” the bioshield. They contribute to your mouth’s natural microbiome, helping to promote overall oral health from the inside out.

Here are all of the probiotic strains in PurDentix and how they work:

  • Lactobacillus Salivarius: L. salivarius, as you may have guessed from the name, is found in your saliva. It can also “help mitigate translocation,” according to John, preventing bacteria in your mouth from traveling to other parts of the body. According to John, taking L. salivarius daily can improve bleeding gums dramatically after four weeks and reverse bad breath after two weeks. In a study cited by John, researchers found L. salivarius “significantly decreased levels of strep bacteria’ in the mouth. Another study found the probiotic reduced pocket depth in the mouth. A Polish study found L. salivarius inhibited the formation of candida fungus in the mouth.
  • Lactobacillus Paracasei: John describes L. paracasei as an “incredible oral probiotic strain.” It’s particularly useful for blocking streptococcus bacteria, which turns sugar you eat into teeth-destroying acid. John cites one study where L. paracasei significantly reduced streptococcus levels in the saliva after just two weeks. John cites another study where people taking L. paracasei daily were 4.5x less likely to develop cavities.
  • Bifidobacterium Lactis (B1-O4): B. lactis can reduce plaque and gum bleeding, according to John, while also disrupting P. gingivalis and other harmful bacteria. John cites one study where a group of adults with a mouth infection took B. lactis daily and reduced pocket depth, lowered the amount of bad oral bacteria, and decreased gum inflammation – all within as little as 30 days.
  • Lactobacillus Reuteri: John claims L. reuteri “may be the best of all” for its ability to defend against bad bacteria in the mouth. John cites one study where a group of adults taking L. reuteri significantly reduced levels of eight harmful types of mouth bacteria – including two strains of streptococcus. Another study found L. reuteri destroyed sub-gingival plaque, the type of plaque hiding below the gum line.

You could take these probiotic bacteria on their own. However, John claims they work better when taken at the same time: they work together to form a bioshield, protecting your teeth and gums while making it impossible for bad bacteria, fungus, and plaque to latch onto your teeth.

To enhance the absorption of PurDentix, John also added an anti-caking agent called tricalcium phosphate. Typically, supplement companies use tricalcium phosphate to prevent ingredients from clumping together. However, John claims the tricalcium phosphate in PurDentix has active effects: it’s the same stuff found in bones and antlers used in the Inuit diet, and it helps to rebuild strong teeth and bones.

After partnering with a US-based manufacturer, John also added strawberry extract, stevia, and peppermint leaf extract to the formula. These ingredients made the powder more palatable, helping you take it daily. Peppermint also has the added benefit of soothing inflammation.

Click here to order while supplies last!

How PurDentix Helped John’s Mom

John Ferman, creator of PurDentix, developed the formula to help treat his mom’s serious tooth decay problems.

John’s mom had serious, life-threatening tooth and gum disease: her teeth were loose, she had horrendous breath, and she had recently been rushed to the ER because mouth bacteria had entered her brain, as confirmed by an MRI scan.

Despite the fact his mom had a serious medical condition, John told her to take his supplement to treat the condition.

John’s mom became the first person to take PurDentix. Here’s what happened when she took PurDentix for the first time:

John’s mom took one scoop of PurDentix daily, swishing it in her mouth daily for 30 days. The first 3 days, there were no changes. John’s mom became skeptical, and she didn’t like the taste of the powder. John did find her mouth felt “less gross” after the first few days.

After 12 days of taking PurDentix, her breath was noticeably better. You could have a conversation with her without turning your head. She no longer felt like she needed to rush to the sink each morning to brush her teeth.

Within 12 weeks, John’s mom’s teeth looked less yellow. Her gums looked less inflamed.

Things continued to improve from there. After taking PurDentix for 30 days, John’s mom’s teeth were “looking whiter” and “her gums looked healthy and pink,” according to John. She was no longer embarrassed about her bad breath.

PurDentix helped John’s mom eat without pain. She could eat the foods she liked without wincing. She claims to have eaten without feeling blood in her mouth for the first time in weeks.

PurDentix even helped with John’s mom’s sinuses, allergies, and sleep. She no longer experienced headaches. Her skin, hair, and nails looked healthier. John even claims her skin and face looked younger.

These “improvements only magnified” over time, according to John. Friends, family, and neighbors started to notice the changes, and they began to ask John where they could get his secret formula.

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How to Take PurDentix

John Ferman, who appears to have direct experience treating oral health problems in patients, recommends taking PurDentix daily as part of an oral health regimen. In fact, he seems to recommend PurDentix over alternatives like antibiotics, which could disrupt oral health by killing all bacteria.

Here’s how John recommends taking PurDentix:

Take 1 lozenge per day for at least 30 days

Chew the lozenge and allow the ingredients to circulate throughout your mouth

The probiotics go to work almost “immediately” after you take them. However, John recommends taking the supplement for a minimum of 30 days to ensure the ingredients can take effect. For more serious tooth problems, you can take PurDentix for 90 to 180 days.

What to Expect After Taking PurDentix

PurDentix seems marketed to people with all types of tooth problems – from minor inflammation to serious dental health crises.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking PurDentix, according to John Ferman and the official PurDentix website:

  • Target Gum Inflammation: The root cause of many oral health problems is inflammation. When your gums become inflamed, it’s a sign your immune system isn’t functioning like it’s supposed to function. Gingivitis, for example, is a condition where your gums and surrounding areas become inflamed. The natural ingredients in PurDentix include antioxidants to help calm and soothe inflammation.
  • Naturally Boost your Immune System: Roughly 70% of your immune system is found in your gut, and probiotics play a crucial role in gut health. If your gut microbiome is imbalanced, then it weakens your immune system. A similar phenomenon takes place in your mouth, where imbalances in your saliva’s microbiome could weaken immunity. PurDentix uses multiple probiotic strains to boost immune function.
  • Help to Rebuild Teeth: By taking three bottles (a 90 day supply) of PurDentix, you can give your body the minerals it needs “to rebuild your teeth,” according to the official website. Bad bacteria make it difficult for your body to rebuild teeth.
  • Reduce Bad Breath: PurDentix works by “leaving your mouth feeling silky clean,” clearing way bad breath. Many people with bad mouth infections also have bad breath. PurDentix aims to help by promoting a balanced mouth microbiome.
  • Clear Away Tooth Infections: Typically, dentists recommend antibiotics to clear away tooth infections. However, the official PurDentix website claims you can clear away tooth infections using the Inuit remedy that inspired PurDentix.
  • Promote Short-Term & Long-Term Oral Health: The longer you use PurDentix, the more it supports oral health. You may notice some benefits quickly, while other benefits continue to occur over the coming weeks and months.
  • Target the Root Cause of Dental Problems: Many oral health solutions target symptoms of dental problems – like swollen gums and tooth pain. PurDentix works differently, targeting the root cause of dental problems: the bioshield that protects oral bacteria.
  • Tighten Loose Teeth: The ritual behind PurDentix “tightens loose teeth,” according to the official website. John Ferman, creator of PurDentix, claims his mother’s teeth were nearly falling out of her mouth before she started taking PurDentix.
  • Reducing the Risk of Heart Issues, Brain Fog, & Serious Infections: PurDentix is primarily designed for oral health. However, the supplement also purportedly works by “reducing the risk of heart issues, brain fog, and serious infections,” according to the official website.
  • Work at Any Age: According to the official PurDentix website, it doesn’t matter “how old you are” or how long you’ve been dealing with dental issues: the supplement works on people of all ages and on those with dental problems of all levels of severity.
  • Help with Sinus & Allergy Issues: The official PurDentix website is filled with testimonials from customers who claim the supplement improved symptoms of sinus problems and allergy issues.
  • Improve Hair, Skin, & Nail Health: PurDentix can improve the appearance of your hair, skin, and nails, according to the official website. Many find their “hair looks healthier and fuller after they try it,” according to the official website, for example, while others find the formula improves the appearance of skin.
  • Endorsed by Health Professionals: PurDentix “has become popular with some health professionals,” according to the official website, including some “dental offices.” Although the formula isn’t specifically marketed as being “dentist recommended,” it appears to be endorsed by at least two dental clinics, according to the official website.
  • Totally Transform Your Mouth & Smile: PurDentix “will totally transform your mouth, your smile, and your whole life,” according to the official website.

Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!

Scientific Evidence for PurDentix

Many lozenges claim to rejuvenate teeth and gums and even defend against oral health issues. But can PurDentix really help with loose teeth, bleeding gums, and overgrowth of mouth bacteria? We’ll review the science behind PurDentix below.

First, there’s a close connection between probiotics and oral health. A 2010 study in the European Journal of Dentistry found probiotic species like Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria strains could promote gut health and oral health, balancing the microbiome of your gut and mouth to promote overall wellness.

A more recent study, published in 2023, found similar effects, suggesting probiotics could help with cariogenic (cavity causing) pathogens and protect against periodontal diseases. However, researchers cautioned that more research was needed before dentists would recommend taking probiotic supplements specifically for oral health or gum disease.

Nevertheless, other studies have been more positive. In 2020, researchers published evidence suggesting probiotic bacteria could play a role in “treating oral infections” and “affect both oral microbiota and immune responses” by creating a biofilm, among other benefits.

Overall, there’s no evidence you should use PurDentix to treat serious oral and tooth problems – like bleeding gums, chronic infections, or loose teeth. However, taking a probiotic supplement could promote oral health overall.

Hurry, supplies are running low!

PurDentix Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The official PurDentix website is filled with testimonials from customers who fixed loose teeth, reduced gum inflammation, and solved other serious oral health problems after taking PurDentix.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website:

One customer claims PurDentix “is the best thing I have ever done” after it saved her “thousands” of dollars on dental bills.

Another customer claims she “Struggled with bad teeth my whole life” before taking PurDentix. After taking the supplement, her teeth are stronger than ever.

Another customer claims he never worries about his breath anymore and his teeth are “perfect” thanks to PurDentix.

One woman claims her “mouth feels cleaner and healthier than ever before” after taking PurDentix.

Some customers appear to have resolved serious, life-threatening oral health issues with PurDentix. The first person to take PurDentix was John Ferman’s mother. She had recently been rushed to the ER with mouth bacteria infecting her brain, causing her to collapse at home. Her teeth were loose and her gums were bleeding, but she resolved many of these issues within just 30 days of taking PurDentix for the first time, according to the official website.

Many customers notice related benefits thanks to PurDentix – like fewer sinus issues, better sleep, and reduced allergies.

One customer claims it was “hard to chew without discomfort” before taking PurDentix. Now, her breath is fresh, her gums look healthier, and she can eat without pain thanks to the supplement.

John claims to receive “hundreds” of similar testimonials each month.

PurDentix Pricing

John Ferman claims the manufacturer originally wanted to price PurDentix at $149 per month. However, the manufacturer eventually agreed to “put people over profits” by reducing the price significantly for the first batch only.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering PurDentix online today as part of the 2024 launch promotion:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses

Shop now and get PurDentix at the best price!

Each bottle of PurDentix contains 30 lozenges, or a 30-day supply (30 servings). You take one lozenge daily to promote oral and dental health.

PurDentix Refund Policy

All PurDentix purchases come with a moneyback guarantee. Contact the manufacturer after your purchase if you’re unhappy for any reason, and you could receive a complete refund.

Bonuses Included with PurDentix

As part of a 2024 launch promotion, PurDentix is available at a discount rate and all 3 and 6 bottle purchases come with three free digital bonuses.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

You receive immediate access to all three of the following digital bonuses by ordering PurDentix online today:

Free Bonus #1: The Truth About Oral Health: Discover the True Cause of Tooth & Gum Issues and How to End Them for Good: PurDentix is primarily marketed to people with oral health problems – from bad breath to loose teeth and bleeding gums. In this eBook, you can discover proven strategies for targeting the root cause of oral health problems. It normally retails for $39. According to John, many dentists don’t want you to discover these natural remedies – like a special, all-natural mouthwash that kills bad germs and bacteria fast.

Free Bonus #2: Emergency Dental: Proven, Cost-Effective Strategies for Dealing with Dental Emergencies: Abscesses, bleeding, and severe pain typically require a visit to a dentist. In this book, however, you can discover alternative remedies even for these serious dental issues.

Free Bonus #3: Access to VIP Area: All 3 and 6 bottle purchases come with VIP access to the PurDentix members-only area. The VIP area is a “private community created just for folks like you,” according to John Ferman. You’ll discover tips and tricks – like how to safely remove mercury fillings at home – you can implement today.

This is the best time to order and get bonuses!

About PurDentix

PurDentix was created by a medical researcher named John Ferman.

Despite being a medical researcher, John appears to have firsthand experience treating cavities and other oral health problems in patients: he claims to have administered fluoride to patients, for example, and even prescribed antibiotics to his mother, suggesting he has some type of formal medical certifications or education. As further evidence John directly treats patients, he appears on the official PurDentix website wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope.

John partnered with a US-based supplement company to release PurDentix to the world. That company manufactures PurDentix in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility. The supplement is made in a sterile, state-of-the-art facility.

You can contact PurDentix and the company’s customer service team via the following:

Email: support@getpurdentix.com

Phone: 1-866-450-0610

Final Word

PurDentix is an oral health lozenge created by a medical researcher named John Ferman.

Manufactured in the United States, PurDentix uses a blend of four probiotic strains to support oral health in multiple ways. Some take it for specific oral health issues – like bleeding gums and loose teeth. Others take it for general dental health.

To learn more about PurDentix and how it works or to buy it online today through a 2024 launch promotion, visit the official website.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices

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