SYNC Reviews: Sunlight Loophole Weight Loss Supplement That Works Safer Than Ozempic?

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(photo credit: PR)

Sync is a new weight loss supplement developed based on a “bizarre sunlight loophole.”

Our ancestors relied on sunlight to regulate our body clock. Today, many struggle with weight loss because of a poor connection to sunlight. Sync aims to help.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Sync and how it works today in our review.

What is Sync?

Sync is a fat-burning supplement available exclusively through

According to the official website, since launching earlier this year, Sync has purportedly “changed the lives of over 114,000” men and women between the ages of 18 and 80.

The primary goal of Sync is to use a blend of “super-nutrients” to boost health, energy, and metabolism for lasting weight loss results.

The manufacturer claims Sync is the world’s only supplement built “to naturally turn on clock genes” for fat burning.

Sync is priced at $79 per bottle. All purchases come with a 60-day satisfaction guarantee.

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(credit: PR)

Sync Benefits

Some of the benefits of Sync, according to the manufacturer, include:

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  • Support weight loss
  • Take advantage of sunlight loophole for lasting results
  • A blend of natural, science-backed ingredients
  • Boost metabolism and burn belly fat
  • Target “clock gene function” to supercharge metabolism
  • Backed by a 60-day satisfaction guarantee

Sync: Get the benefits you've been looking for!

How Does Sync Work?

Sync delivers ingredients to target your body’s innate “clock gene function.”

As you age, your body’s clock gene function is less effective at regulating energy and metabolism. This impaired clock gene function makes it difficult to lose weight.

By taking Sync daily, you can purportedly restore your clock gene function, promoting your body’s natural energy and metabolic cycles.

Sync was developed based on the power of sunlight to affect the human body. For thousands of years, our human ancestors relied on sunlight to regulate their circadian rhythm, and our bodies evolved to manage this sunlight.

Our modern lifestyles today, however, have less to do with sunlight exposure. For example, we’re exposed to digital screens that interfere with our circadian rhythm.

Even if you eat right and exercise, you could struggle with weight because of your impaired clock gene function. Sync aims to restore that function to promote lasting weight loss results.

Click here to learn more about Sync

How Sunlight Helps with Weight Loss

Sync is designed to use the power of sunlight to trigger weight loss – without requiring you to stand in the sun every day.

The supplement was developed based on a “bizarre sunlight loophole” recently identified by weight loss researchers.

Here’s how sunlight helps with weight loss – and how the sunlight loophole works:

Our ancestors evolved in a world regulated by sunlight for thousands of years.

Morning sunlight has a specific, unique, and powerful effect on the human body. When the sun reached 10 degrees above the horizon in the morning, it signaled our ancestors to wake up and get energized. Morning sunlight uniquely affects photoreceptors in our eyes because of the unique blend of frequencies and colors created by sunlight at a 10-degree angle.

Once sunlight hits your skin in the morning, it triggers your body to perform specific actions. According to the makers of Sync, your “clock genes and metabolism would turn on full blast,” helping you stay energized throughout the day.

Our ancestors didn’t need sunlight for weight loss; it was a survival mechanism. They required greater energy to hunt, gather food, protect themselves, and stay alive.

When the sun set, however, our ancestors no longer needed a fast metabolism. Instead, they needed to sleep, conserve energy, repair their bodies, and prepare for a new day. A setting sun signaled the body to slow down.

Things changed starting in the Industrial Revolution. People stopped dictating their lives based on sunlight. They spent more time indoors under artificial light. They didn’t just work from dawn to dusk.

Sync is designed to help boost your connection with sunlight again, enhancing your metabolism and energy during the day to accelerate fat burning.

Get Sync now while it's on sale - limited time only!

How We Lost Our Connection to Sunlight

Humans lost their connection to sunlight – and the natural day-night cycle – during the Industrial Revolution.

Over the centuries, we’ve become less connected to sunlight than ever.

Here’s how the makers of Sync explain the lack of connection between modern humans and sunlight:

“…scientists point to the Industrial Revolution as our first step onto the path that led to the metabolic issues we are faced with today. Over the course of many centuries since then…We’ve continued to move further and further away from the natural cycle of sunlight in the morning to darkness at night.”

It’s not just about long working hours and artificial light. Other factors have caused us to lose our connection with sunlight, leading to weight management issues, including:

  • A more significant amount of time spent indoors
  • Manmade barriers – like sunscreen and sunglasses – blocking morning sunlight
  • Inescapable atmospheric pollution diluting the sun’s rays
  • Constant exposure to artificial light at all times of day and night

All of these factors “wreak havoc on the body’s natural rhythms,” according to the makers of Sync, including your metabolism. As your metabolism plummets, it becomes virtually impossible to lose weight – even if you’re eating right, exercising, and doing everything right.

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Sync Ingredients

Sync contains 6 science-backed plant extracts linked to clock gene function, metabolism, and general weight loss.

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(credit: PR)

All ingredients, except chromium, are found in a 320mg proprietary blend.

Here are all 6 ingredients in Sync and how they work, according to the manufacturer:

  • Ocimum Sanctum: Like all other ingredients in Sync, Ocimum sanctum aims to support improved clock gene function and metabolism. However, according to the manufacturer, it also has the unique effect of supporting liver and brain health. Ocimum sanctum translates to “holy basil, " also known as Tulsi. The plant has been used in traditional medicine for centuries as a natural remedy.
  • Camellia Sinensis: Camellia sinensis, or tea extract, is found in many weight loss supplements for its purported effects on fat burning. According to the manufacturer, the tea extract in Sync “supports improved clock gene function and metabolism " while also helping with energy. Because of these effects, camellia sinensis targets weight loss in two ways.
  • Chlorogenic Acid: Chlorogenic acid is a natural molecule found in coffee beans – particularly coffee beans before they’re roasted (also known as green coffee beans). According to the manufacturer, this chlorogenic acid is linked to improved clock gene function and metabolism while helping with blood sugar. Green coffee bean extract is the second most significant ingredient in the 320mg Sync proprietary blend, and green coffee bean extract has been standardized to contain a specific amount of chlorogenic acid to maximize weight loss results.
  • L-Carnitine: L-carnitine is an amino acid often taken as a pre-workout or daily energy booster. The makers of Sync, however, added L-carnitine to the formula because of its effects on clock gene function, metabolism, and overall well-being. L-carnitine is the first listed ingredient in the 320mg proprietary blend within Sync, which means it’s the most prominent ingredient within the formula.
  • Chromium: Chromium is a popular nutritional supplement for diabetics because of its purported effects on blood sugar. Some studies show diabetics have lower chromium levels than non-diabetics, and taking a chromium supplement could help correct this deficiency. According to the manufacturer, the chromium in Sync targets clock gene function and metabolism while also helping curb hunger. Each serving of Sync contains a surprisingly large dose of chromium: 200mcg or 571% DV, nearly 6 times your daily recommended mineral value.
  • Resveratrol: Sync contains resveratrol, a natural antioxidant in grapes and certain other foods. Some take resveratrol daily for heart health, anti-aging effects, or weight loss. According to the makers of Sync, resveratrol can target clock gene function and metabolism while supporting overall heart health. The resveratrol in Sync comes from Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) root extract.

The official website shows Sync is all-natural, non-GMO, and vegetarian. However, the label lists gelatin as an inactive ingredient (to create the capsule). Gelatin is made from pork or beef collagen and is not considered vegan—or vegetarian-friendly.

Act quickly to secure the limited-time discounted price today!

How to Take Sync

The makers of Sync recommend taking one serving of Sync with a glass of water:

  • Take two capsules of Sync per day, preferably in the morning, with an 8oz glass of water

According to the manufacturer, Sync shows the best results when taken daily for 90 to 180 days.

What to Expect After Taking Sync

Sync is marketed as the world’s only formula for targeting clock gene function, which is the root cause of weight management issues in many people.

From weight loss to energy, here are some of the results you could experience after taking Sync, according to the official website:

  • Dramatically Improve Health, Energy, & Metabolism: Sync is “designed to dramatically improve health, energy and metabolism” in men and women, according to the manufacturer. Your poor clock gene function could make it difficult to lose weight. Sync “is so effective for keeping you healthy, energized, and looking and feeling your best,” according to the official website.
  • Burn Fat: Sync is primarily advertised as a weight loss aid. Your impaired clock gene function could make it difficult to lose weight – even if you’re eating right, exercising, and doing everything correctly. According to the manufacturer, sync can “improve fat-burning and metabolism,” helping you lose weight using the power of your body’s natural cycles. The manufacturer claims the natural ingredients could boost fat burning and metabolism up to 514%, accelerating your weight loss results.
  • Boost Metabolism & Energy: Some have more energy after taking Sync. Your impaired clock gene function could be disrupting your natural energy cycles. By taking Sync, you can promote clock gene function, helping your body know when to turn on and off its metabolism to regulate energy throughout the day.
  • Support Improved Clock Gene Function: You have a “clock gene” within yourself linked to energy and metabolism. The ingredients in Sync can target clock gene function to boost metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.
  • Support Heart Health: Resveratrol, one of the six active ingredients in Sync, “supports heart health,” according to the official website. Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant found in grapes and certain other foods. Some people take resveratrol daily for heart health.
  • Helps Curb Hunger: Sync contains ingredients like chromium and chlorogenic linked to blood sugar balance. When your blood sugar is imbalanced, you’ll likely experience food cravings. According to the manufacturer, the chromium in Sync “helps curb hunger,” while chlorogenic acid “supports healthy blood sugar.”
  • Support Brain & Liver Health: According to the manufacturer, one of the active ingredients in Sync, Ocimum sanctum, “supports liver and brain health. " The ingredient promotes the health of two of the largest and most important organs in the body. Like resveratrol, Ocimum sanctum appears to have natural antioxidant effects, helping to neutralize free radicals that cause inflammation—like the inflammation that affects your brain and liver.

As proof Sync works, the manufacturer claims the formula has “changed the lives of over 114,000” people. Despite only appearing online in 2024, Sync is already one of the world’s most popular weight loss supplements.

Order your supply of Sync now and start enjoying the benefits!

Scientific Evidence for Sync

The makers of Sync cite 38 studies on the supplement’s references page as proof it works as advertised. We’ll evaluate that evidence below.

There’s ample evidence examining the connection between sunlight and human health. For example, a 2019 study published in Somnologie found the body was naturally trained to follow a 24-hour solar day. Researchers identified a “circadian pacemaker” within the body called the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). It’s found in the hypothalamus and is crucial in regulating mood, energy, and daily metabolism.

Exposure to bright morning light is also linked to better sleep and improved next-day energy. A 2023 study published in the Journal of Sleep Research analyzed the effects of bright light exposure in the morning on a group of college students. Researchers found that students exposed to morning light had a 3.5% sleep efficiency score, better overall sleep, and improved next-day energy compared to those in a control group.

There’s also plenty of anecdotal evidence connecting sunlight to human health. For example, podcaster and neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has discussed the morning sunlight protocol to improve sleep, movement, nutrient intake, and relationships. He recommends getting outside for 5 to 10 minutes on a sunny morning to boost overall health.

There’s plenty of evidence establishing the importance of sunlight for health. But can six natural ingredients target your clock gene function and boost your body’s natural rhythm?

One study on Ocimum sanctum (also known as tulsi or holy basil) found that the plant extract significantly improved body weight, BMI, cholesterol, and insulin resistance over an 8-week period compared to placebo.

In a meta-analysis on L-carnitine, researchers found the amino acid was connected with significant weight loss results, including a modest reduction in body weight, BMI, and fat mass in adults who were overweight or obese.

Some studies suggest camelia sinensis, or the tea plant, is connected with body weight and metabolism improvements. A 2016 study, for example, found the EGCG and other natural molecules in tea could activate AMPK, boosting your body’s natural energy supply at the cellular level.

Overall, the 6 ingredients in Sync include six proven weight loss aids. Although limited evidence connects them to clock gene function or circadian rhythm, the ingredients could promote general weight loss.

Shop now and get Sync at the best price!

Sync Pricing

Sync is priced at $79.00 per bottle. However, buying multiple bottles of Sync directly from the manufacturer lowers the price to as low as $49.00 per bottle.

Here’s how much you pay for Sync when ordering online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $79.00 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59.00 Per Bottle) + Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49.00 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping

Each bottle of Sync contains 60 capsules (30 servings), or a 30-day supply of the supplement.

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(credit: PR)

Sync Refund Policy

Sync offers a 60-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 60 days.

You won't find a better deal on Sync anywhere else!

About Adonis Lifestyle

Sync is made by Adonis Lifestyle. It is manufactured in the United States in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility under strict, sterile, and precise standards.

You can contact the makers of Sync and the company’s customer service team via the following:

  • Email:

Final Word

Sync is a new weight loss supplement developed to accelerate weight loss results. It is based on a “bizarre sunlight loophole.”

By taking two capsules of Sync daily, you can purportedly target clock gene function, using the power of morning sunlight to achieve powerful results.

To learn more about Sync and how it works or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official website.

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