The effect on the digestive system in complex times

In this article we will detail dyspepsia, how the period we are in affects the phenomenon, the scope of the phenomenon, symptoms, treatment options, and more.

 Days of soul-searching and their effect on the digestive system  (photo credit: PEXELS)
Days of soul-searching and their effect on the digestive system
(photo credit: PEXELS)

The article was written in collaboration with Maya Naor - an expert in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in Chinese medicine

Yom Kippur is a special day in our culture and tradition as a Jewish people. A day that combines customs with deep traditional meaning such as fasting and prayer, alongside a special reference to sins, iniquities and forgiveness. These days, many of us delve into soul-searching processes. We look inward, at the past year and bring up thoughts, feelings and events like the past year. These processes can create a lot of emotional stress, especially in a tense and sensitive period like the one we've been in for over a year now.

As a practitioner of Chinese medicine, I see the direct connection between this period, which includes mental and emotional stress to the aggravation of various disorders of the digestive system. After all, apart from the soul-searching, the emotions, and the tensions that arise as a result, many of us also fast and deprive ourselves of food and water. Fasting may lead to changes in the digestive system such as a decrease in stomach acidity levels, a disruption in the secretion of enzymes and more. For people suffering from disorders such as dyspepsia, this period may increase the symptoms and worsen the symptoms.

Disorders in the digestive system and how they are manifested in complex periods

This year, we arrive at Yom Kippur more exhausted, after a long period of tension, uncertainty and more pressure than ever due to the ongoing war. This situation adds to the emotional burden that many experience at this time of year.

When we are under constant stress and anxiety, various symptoms in the digestive system are aggravated. Since the mental stress in times of uncertainty such as war affects both our psyche and our physical condition, it is especially important to pay attention to the problems we experience and take care of ourselves. As a practitioner of Chinese medicine, I see the many benefits of complementary medicine and their effect on the body and mind.

Dyspepsia disorders, manifested in various feelings of nausea, heartburn, bloated stomach and more, go hand in hand with the state of mind, stress and anxiety levels. The digestive system is sometimes referred to as the "second brain", this is because in many cultures, including Chinese medicine, there is a close connection between the effects of the mind on the digestive system. Feelings of anxiety, stress and depression that many now suffer from, may disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and worsen various symptoms of dyspepsia. who suffers from it.

The same mental states may disrupt the functioning of the digestive system, and at the same time, the same increasing symptoms of the digestive system may increase the feeling of stress and anxiety. Therefore, many times, those who suffer from disorders in the digestive system are in a negative cycle that reinforces the phenomena in both directions.

What is dyspepsia?

Dyspepsia, or in its full name Functional Dyspepsia, is a collective name for a number of symptoms, complaints and disorders that occur in the digestive system, mainly in the upper one. There are several known causes for the appearance of "functional dyspepsia" but there is no single, known and fixed direct cause. Moreover, the dyspepsia can be chronic and prolonged or as an eruptive, short-term phenomenon, recurring and recurring irregularly.

As a matter of fact, dyspepsia disorders in the digestive system are a common phenomenon, especially in developed western countries, such as Israel. In fact, studies know about 20-30% of the adult population, who will suffer from one of the symptoms of the phenomenon during their lifetime. The illegality of dyspepsia disorders is also reflected in their effects and symptoms. There will be those who, despite the disorders they will experience, will be mild and imperceptible to them and there will be those whose symptoms will be more severe, prominent and clear, and will result in a considerable impairment of their functioning and quality of life.

The field of dyspepsia is still shrouded in fog, but it is not new at all. Chinese medicine, according to which I also operate in my clinic, has been providing a variety of proven solutions to the problem for thousands of years, with a focus not only on the disorder itself but also on its sources. The combined treatment helps in restoring the normal functioning of the upper digestive system as well as in alleviating and alleviating the symptoms, along with a beneficial change in lifestyle.

Main symptoms of functional dyspepsia

There are some typical dyspeptic symptoms, most of which will focus on the upper abdominal area.  The things can come in the form of a feeling of swelling, nausea, vomiting, belching, a burning and burning sensation, difficulty in swallowing, as well as a feeling of lack of appetite or simulated satiety and a feeling of heaviness and fullness, even after a light meal. The last two phenomena are also reflected in weight loss. It is not necessary that all the symptoms appear at once and in most cases only two or three of them will appear.

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The reasons for the appearance of dyspepsia in the digestive system, as mentioned, are diverse and not always clear or obvious and are related to physiological reasons, such as disorders in various mechanisms of the digestive system, difficulty in adapting to or dealing with certain foods, bowel problems, hypersensitivity in the stomach or infections, such as Helicobacter bacteria. Abnormal hormonal changes also increase the chance of symptoms appearing.

Alongside this, it is also clear the context of the disorders for mental reasons and psychological factors, such as mental stress, stress, anxiety and depression or any extreme activity related to the mental side. This is a characteristic, which repeats itself and in which there is a complete harmony between restlessness and a complex emotional and mental state with a malfunction of the digestive system.

The various treatments against the phenomenon of dyspepsia

The phenomenon of dyspepsia, due to its wide scope and many symptoms, calls for various treatments, both from the side of conventional medicine, both in the field of natural medicine, with an emphasis on Chinese medicine, and through preventive measures and the adoption of a more balanced lifestyle.

Common to all the methods and treatments, is the importance of an accurate clarification and diagnosis of the source of the problem and the reasons for the appearance of the symptoms. The symptoms are many, the source is not always clear, but by finding the true point of origin, it will also be possible to prescribe targeted and therefore effective treatment.

Adopting good and balanced habits to prevent and cure dyspepsia

Along with surgical operations that can be performed, the recommendation is almost always to avoid them unnecessarily. In general, by making small changes in diet and life habits, it is possible to prevent the appearance of the problem and alleviate the symptoms. There are some small things that everyone can do and do, in parallel with the daily conduct, that God has their hand to help and improve the situation.

Among them: Maintaining a balanced diet, avoiding unbalanced foods such as chocolate, carbonated drinks, spicy, fried, etc., making sure to have regular meals and eating small meals, drinking more water, doing physical activity, avoiding smoking and more.

A multidimensional optimal treatment plan

The beneficial treatment plan that I will give you in my clinic, according to the theory of Chinese medicine and a deep familiarity with disorders of the digestive system, in general and dyspepsia disorders, in particular, is based on 3 avenues and dimensions, derived from a thorough and focused diagnosis of the causes of the phenomenon.

The first is building a rehabilitative and balanced nutritional plan, optimal for your digestive system, out of a desire to help optimize the processes of the digestive system, avoiding sensitivities and calming, restoring and healing the system.

Along with this, we will deal with methods for calming mental pressure and reducing tension and stress, phenomena that have a direct effect on the malfunctioning of the digestive system and the onset of dyspepsia. We do this through relaxation techniques and treatment using herbs that are personally prepared according to the diagnosis and which have the power to help balance energy, hormonal balance, balance and relax the emotional system and restore the digestive system to regular and normal operation.

The third channel will be through acupuncture treatment, which can improve intestinal motility and stomach function, reduce digestive difficulties, and minimize feelings of depression, anxiety, pain and mental stress. You are welcome to apply and start the journey to solving and alleviating the problem.

Suffering from dyspepsia? And you fear a deterioration in the situation and want to treat the disorder? Contact me, at Maya Naor's clinic, for natural treatment of digestive disorders, and I will be happy to match you with a suitable treatment!