Quiz: Test your emotional resilience

Discover your current level of emotional resilience and learn how to enhance it.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Assessing the level of our emotional resilience is an important step in understanding how well we deal with stress, adversity, and challenges in life.

In the current times we are facing, we all need to evaluate our emotional resilience and, more importantly, work on improving and strengthening it.

To assess your level of resilience at this moment, please complete the following self-assessment questionnaire honestly and to the best of your ability. Rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree".

1. I manage to recover quickly after facing difficulty, failure or disappointment.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

2. I remain calm in situations of stress and uncertainty.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

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3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

3. I have a strong focus on goals and direction in my life and when reality changes, I know how to adapt myself to it.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

4. I believe that I have the strength to overcome most of the challenges that await me.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

5. I have a support network of friends and family that I can count on in difficult times.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

6. I am open to changes and can adapt to new circumstances easily.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

7. I regularly engage in self-care activities to manage stress and maintain my well-being.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

8. I have a positive outlook on life and I create "oxygen balloons" for myself in challenging situations.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

9. I know how to set realistic goals for me to progress and work persistently to achieve them.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

10. I am aware and manage my emotions and even regulate myself when I am emotionally overwhelmed.

1 (strongly disagree)

2 (disagree)

3 (neutral)

4 (agree)

5 (strongly agree)

After answering these questions, calculate your total score by adding up the points for each answer. A higher total score indicates a higher level of mental resilience.

  (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Scoring Guide:

10-25: Low mental resilience.

You may struggle to cope with challenging situations and may benefit from seeking support and developing strategies to improve resilience.

26-40: Moderate mental resilience.

You have some strength in dealing with difficulties, but there is room for growth and further development of resilience resources.

41-50: High mental resilience.

Congratulations on your investment in self-care and resilience-building. Maintain your practices and consider therapy to process events and connect with your inner strengths.

Remember, emotional resilience is changeable, and now is the time to start strengthening this muscle. To enhance your resilience, take a moment to write down your thoughts and emotions without censoring yourself. This simple exercise can help release emotional content and facilitate processing. Additionally, engage in activities you enjoy to create "oxygen balloons" for yourself. These can be moments of relaxation, engaging with loved ones, or practicing self-care regularly.

Regardless of your resilience score, remember that this is a process, and there are various tools and resources available to support you in improving your quality of life and resilience. You are not alone in this journey.

This quiz was developed by Amitai Davidzohn-Tevet, a psychotherapist, lecturer, and resilience workshop facilitator.