Many benefits have already been linked to the Mediterranean diet, and additional studies continue to examine its health effects that reveal other reasons to follow it.
This diet, based on a menu that contains whole grains, healthy fats, a large variety of fruits and vegetables and is relatively low in dairy products and red meat, is considered one of the healthiest diet lifestyles to keep.
Past research already established this diet’s contribution to prolonging life expectancy, as it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and also certain types of cancer, diabetes, dementia and more. Now, a new study finds that the Mediterranean diet is also beneficial for sexual function, improves blood circulation in general and also specifically for the penis, and is associated with higher levels of testosterone.
"In our study we found that the Mediterranean diet was associated with better physical agility, healthier arteries and better blood flow, higher testosterone levels and better erectile function," said researcher Anatcius Englis.
Englis presented his research findings at the European Cardiology Association's annual conference - ESC 2021.
“It seems reasonable to conclude that this diet improves physical fitness and sexual function because it increases blood flow in the blood vessels and prevents the drop in testosterone levels that is typical of middle-aged people,” added Englis.
Impotence has several causes, the most common of which is a problem with the blood supply. The ability of the small blood vessels to dilate and supply large amounts of blood to the penis is impaired, which doesn’t allow the penile tissues to harden enough. Often, impaired vasodilation is a result of high blood pressure. In fact, hypertension doubles the chance of developing erectile dysfunction.
A blue pill or a change in diet?Throughout history, various strange remedies have been found for this common problem: the ancient Egyptians were helped by the hearts of crocodile babies, the Greeks tried their luck with dried ladybugs, and in the Middle Ages hunted witches for this. And today? You've probably heard of the blue pill (Viagra and the like)Many studies have proven that sticking to the Mediterranean diet helps lower high blood pressure. So, can it also be beneficial for sexual dysfunction? This question formed the basis of a new study. To answer this, the researchers recruited 250 volunteers, middle-aged men who suffered from both of these problems (hypertension and sexual dysfunction), and performed an assessment of their diet, fitness ability, testosterone level and vascular health. In addition they performed an assessment of the severity of problems in their sexual function.Their results seem quite convincing: strict adherence to a Mediterranean diet has been found to be associated with a better ability to increase blood flow, higher testosterone levels, and less vascular stiffness. And the highlight: Men who followed this diet had better erectile function and less severe dysfunction."The findings suggest that the Mediterranean diet may help preserve some parameters of vascular health and quality of life, which are especially important for middle-aged men who suffer from problems of both high stress and sexual dysfunction," said Englis.
A Mediterranean diet is good for your healthThe findings need to be understood in the right context, as this is a study that shows correlation rather than causality. It’s conceivable that people who adhere to a Mediterranean diet enjoy better overall health, even in other parameters not examined in this study, and these too may affect sexual function. And yet, the conclusion that the Mediterranean diet has some effect on sexual dysfunction problems is not unfounded and is even very reasonable given the high weight that vascular health has on these problems.
The benefit of the Mediterranean diet for the function and health of blood vessels has been well established in various studies, as has the link between hypertension and impotence. Any step that can help lower blood pressure will benefit sexual function. And besides, with so many proven benefits, there is almost no reason not to try it and give it a chance to help you in this area as well.