How to Suppress Appetite, Eat Less & What Supplements Can Help

Learn how to suppress your appetite with effective strategies such as taking supplements like PhenGold, eating a consistently balanced diet, and staying active.

  (photo credit: FitLiving design team)
(photo credit: FitLiving design team)

Weight loss usually happens when there’s a calorie deficit, and one way to make this happen that most people struggle with is managing cravings. 

To help you make informed decisions, we discuss what prompts the cravings, how to curb them and we review known appetite suppressants like PhenGold that actually work.

Understanding Appetite Suppression

Appetite suppression involves reducing cravings and hunger cues that make it challenging to avoid food. Achieving this goal involves a combination of strategies, such as supplementation of natural appetite suppressants, exercise, staying hydrated, and more. 

How to Suppress Appetite: 7 Key Ways

Learning how to suppress appetite naturally involves adopting lifestyle habits and dietary strategies that help control hunger and promote feelings of fullness. Here are some natural ways to suppress appetite:

1. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Drinking water before meals can help reduce appetite and calorie intake.

2. Eat Mindfully

An important tip for how to suppress appetite fast is paying attention to how hungry you are and engaging in mindful eating. Take your time to eat, thoroughly chew your food, and relish every mouthful. Avoid distractions during meals, particularly from your smartphone or any online content.

3. Limit Sugary and Processed Foods 

Avoid or limit your sugary and processed foods, which can lead to blood sugar spikes and crashes, increasing hunger and cravings. 

4. Eat Regular Meals 

This is something often discussed on subreddits like r/AskFitness. Apparently, sticking to a regular eating schedule and avoiding skipping meals can help avoid excessive hunger and overeating later in the day. Aim for a balanced diet and snack sparingly to keep hunger at bay. Eating foods high in protein and fiber can be a great way to learn how to naturally suppress appetite while dieting.

5. Get Adequate Sleep 

A good night’s rest is crucial if you’re learning how to suppress appetite effectively. Target 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep every night. Poor sleep can throw off the balance of hunger-regulating hormones–like ghrelin and leptin–and increase appetite.

6. Manage Stress

Practice stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Stress can trigger emotional eating and increase appetite, so managing stress is essential for appetite control.

7. Stay Active

This can be as simple as walking around the house for a minute every hour, and going for walks every evening, or whenever you’re craving food. Regular physical activity can help suppress appetite and regulate hunger hormones. If you already have a workout plan, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days.

The Science Behind Cravings and Appetite

Knowing how to suppress appetite fast can stop those midday snack cravings from taking over, but it is equally important to understand what goes on behind the scenes. Let’s dive into the science that explains why we crave what we crave:

Hormonal Regulation

Hormones play a significant role in the regulation of appetite and craving. The stomach releases Ghrelin, the “hunger hormone,” which ramps up your appetite. Conversely, fat cells produce Leptin, the “satiety hormone,” signaling that you’re full. Insulin, cortisol, and serotonin also join the mix, influencing your cravings and appetite.

Brain Signaling

The hypothalamus is a brain region that regulates appetite and energy balance. It processes signals from hormones, neurotransmitters, and sensory inputs to manage hunger and satiety. Moreover, the brain’s reward centers, such as the nucleus accumbens, link certain foods with pleasure, driving our cravings.

Nutrient Balance

Our bodies constantly strive for a nutrient equilibrium state, with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals all playing a pivotal role. When we lack specific nutrients or experience blood sugar swings, we crave particular foods to fill those gaps.

Emotional and Psychological Factors

Our emotional state, stress levels, mood, and psychological makeup significantly affect our appetite and cravings. Emotional eating and comfort food cravings often stem from stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, or depression. Food memories, cultural norms, social interactions, and learned behaviors also mold our eating patterns.

Environmental Cues

Cravings and eating habits are also affected by environmental elements like food availability, portion sizes, advertising, social contexts, and sensory stimuli (sight, smell, taste). For instance, mere exposure to food-related cues, such as commercials or the scent of baking, can ignite our appetite and spark cravings.

Incorporating Appetite-Suppressing Foods Into Your Diet

Incorporating appetite-suppressing foods into your diet can help control hunger, reduce cravings, and support your weight management efforts. 

  • High-Protein Foods: If you’re struggling with how to suppress appetite for weight loss, consider adding more lean protein to your meals. They can help keep cravings in check and cut down on calories. Add lean options like chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, tofu, legumes, and even some creamy Greek yogurt to your meals and snacks.
  • Fiber-Rich Foods: A wide variety of fiber-rich meals add bulk, slow digestion, and keep you feeling full for longer. We recommend adding foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds to your diet plan to keep things satisfying and your hunger in check.
  • Healthy Fats: It might sound counterintuitive, but not all fats are bad for you. Creamy avocados, crunchy nuts, hearty seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon or mackerel are healthy fats that help keep your hunger at bay.
  • Water-Rich Foods: Besides drinking as much water as you can daily, foods with high water content–fruits and vegetables–can help you consume fewer calories. Other popular options include cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, watermelon, strawberries, and oranges.
  • Spices and Herbs: Cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric are common options in most kitchens. In addition to spicing up meals, they also help promote satiety.
  • Green Tea: Catechins and caffeine are the active ingredients in green tea, and they have been shown to boost metabolism and suppress appetite. You can enjoy a cup of green tea between meals, incorporate green tea extract into your diet, or take supplements with a substantial dose of the ingredient.
  • Apples: Most fruits contain a decent amount of fiber, and apples are no exception. For instance, a medium-sized red apple may contain around 4 grams of fiber, and you can slice it up and eat it alone or add it to your fruit salad mix.
  • Soup: One great tip for suppressing appetite is starting your meals with a broth-based soup. Soups can fill you up quickly and reduce your overall calorie intake. However, ensure you add plenty of vegetables and opt for lean protein or seafood if you can.
  • Chia Seeds: You can add these to your morning coffee, oatmeal, smoothies, or salads. Chia seeds are high in fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, and these nutrients can help you reduce cravings.
  • Dark Chocolate: If you’re craving something sweet, dark chocolate can be a healthier option to consider. Packed with antioxidants, it may even help curb those pesky cravings for sweet and salty snacks. Just ensure it’s 70% cocoa or higher.

Best Appetite Suppressants in 2024

If you’re curious about how to suppress appetite, the following are some of the best supplements that can help.

1. PhenGold - Best Appetite Suppressant Overall

  (credit: FitLiving design team)
(credit: FitLiving design team)

PhenGold’s multi-action formula contains natural ingredients that can help reduce cravings directly and indirectly. Ingredients like capsaicin and caffeine–in addition to boosting metabolism and energy–may suppress your appetite, so you eat less. In addition, L-theanine, L-tyrosine, and DMAE are added to boost mood and help reduce stress eating.


    • 200 mg Cayenne Pepper: Contains capsaicin, which can boost metabolism and suppress appetite by increasing feelings of fullness [1].

  • 225 mg Caffeine: A natural stimulant, caffeine can increase energy levels, enhance focus, and boost metabolism, making it easier to maintain an active lifestyle and burn calories [2].
    • 250 mg L-Theanine: Found naturally in tea leaves, L-theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness, helping to alleviate stress-related eating and emotional cravings [3].
    • 150 mg DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol): DMAE is a compound that may enhance cognitive function, improve focus, and increase motivation, which can be beneficial during weight loss efforts [4].

  • 350 mg L-Tyrosine: This amino acid is more about improving mental focus and reducing stress rather than directly suppressing appetite. It supports overall mood, which might help control emotional eating, but doesn’t target hunger directly [5].

User Reviews

A Redditor in their PhenGold review was totally thrilled, claiming it’s been a “game-changer” for their weight loss journey—more energy, fewer cravings, and hitting those goals like a champ [6]. Meanwhile, over on Trustpilot, someone had a rough time, calling the product “sooo overrated!” They even had a pretty lousy reaction, feeling sick and throwing up for 2 days [7].

2. Trimtone - Best Appetite Suppressant for Women

  (credit: FitLiving design team)
(credit: FitLiving design team)

Touted as the best appetite suppressant and fat burner for women, Trimtone actually has the ingredients to support this claim. It’s also easy to use with its 1 capsule per day dosage, making it suitable for busy women who are always on the go but need to learn how to suppress appetite to achieve their fat-burning goals.


    • 120 mg Caffeine: A natural stimulant, caffeine can increase energy levels, enhance focus, and boost metabolism, making it easier to maintain an active lifestyle and burn calories [2].
    • 100 mg Green Tea Extract: Rich in antioxidants and catechins, green tea extract may boost metabolism and promote fat oxidation, aiding in weight loss [8].
    • 100 mg Green Coffee Bean Extract: Its chlorogenic acid content manages blood sugar levels and enhances weight loss [9].
    • 40 mg Grains of Paradise Extract: Contains 6-paradol, which may boost metabolism, increase calorie expenditure, and promote fat loss [10].

  • 100 mg Glucomannan: Works by gelling upon contact with digestive juices. This gel then makes it easy to trick your brain into thinking that your stomach is already full [11].

User Reviews

Trimtone’s getting some love—and a little shade—on Amazon! One user is raving about it, saying they’ve tried many brands, but Trimtone is the real deal [12]. On the flip side, another user wasn’t so impressed, calling it “overpriced” for what it delivers [13].

3. PhenQ - Best Appetite Suppressant for Men

  (credit: FitLiving design team)
(credit: FitLiving design team)

PhenQ positions itself among the top hunger-reducing supplements, addressing multiple aspects of the process. In addition to helping you shed excess fat and supporting natural energy levels, PhenQ–with a combination of chromium, nopal cactus, and caffeine–can help if you’re struggling with how to suppress appetite. 


  • 50 mg Capsimax Powder: Its components include capsicum, caffeine, piperine, and niacin, which offer thermogenic benefits, increasing metabolism and promoting fat burning [1].
  • 20 mcg Chromium Picolinate: This mineral helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduce cravings for carbohydrates and sugars, and support weight loss efforts [14].
  • 75 mg Caffeine: A natural stimulant, caffeine can boost energy levels, enhance focus, and increase metabolism, making it easier to burn calories and maintain an active lifestyle [2].
  • 20 mg Nopal: Nopal is a cactus extract rich in fiber, which may promote feelings of fullness and reduce appetite, helping to control calorie intake [15].
  • 150 mg L-Carnitine: This amino acid helps the body convert fat into energy, supporting fat burning and weight loss [16].

User Reviews

A happy Trustpilot user shared that, even though they’re just getting started, the experience has been smooth sailing—excellent communication, no complaints so far, and they’re already seeing results [17]. However, on the r/loseit subreddit, most aren’t as thrilled, with most users not finding it all that helpful [18].

Benefits of Appetite Suppressants

Wondering what to expect after you master how to suppress appetite with supplements? Here are some expected benefits:

  • Reduced hunger and cravings
  • Increased metabolism and fat-burning
  • Enhanced energy levels and focus
  • Improved mood and motivation
  • Support for overall well-being during weight loss

FAQs on How to Suppress Appetite

We answer common questions people ask about how to suppress appetite and reduce hunger effectively.

Why Am I Always Hungry All the Time?

You may not be eating enough protein or fiber, leaving you unsatisfied. Or perhaps you're dehydrated - sometimes, our bodies mistake thirst for hunger. It could also be related to stress, lack of sleep, or even certain medications. If it's a persistent issue, checking in with your doctor to rule out any underlying health concerns is always a good idea.

How Can You Train Yourself to Eat Less?

If you’re learning how to suppress hunger without eating or by eating less, one trick is to use smaller plates – it's a sneaky way to make your portions look bigger. Also, try chewing slowly and savoring each bite. It gives your brain time to catch up and realize you're full. And don't be afraid to leave a little on your plate! It's not a waste; it's a victory.

What Is a Good Appetite Suppressant?

Consider supplements like PhenGold and Trimtone with natural ingredients, such as green tea, if you’re learning how to decrease appetite and increase metabolism. Another ingredient to look out for is glucomannan, a dietary fiber that expands in your stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

Final Words on How to Suppress Appetite

If you’re just learning how to suppress your appetite with natural supplements, you should never forget that they don’t work alone. Top dietary supplements work best with a decent, consistent diet, regular workouts, and a healthy overall lifestyle. While PhenGold is our top pick, the best option for you will ultimately depend on your fitness goals and what your doctor says.


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