Simchat Torah holiday regulations in Israel

Mea Shearim, Jerusalem during coronavirus pandemic and Sukkot (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
Mea Shearim, Jerusalem during coronavirus pandemic and Sukkot
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)
The following regulations will apply across the country throughout Simchat Torah:
> Gathering in an open area: Up to 20 people, within one kilometer of home
> Prayer services: Up to 20 people in an open area, within one kilometer from home. If there are groups of worshippers, they must be 20 meters apart
> Hakafot dancing, two meters apart
> Holding the Torah: It is very important to disinfect one’s hands immediately after being passed the Torah scroll
> Kissing the Torah: One should not do it, unless with the fringes of his tallit
> Social distance as much as possible
> Wear a mask, even during hakafot
> Kiddush may not be held in a synagogue
> Torah reading should be shortened and aliyot should not be given to the entire congregation, just to those who are necessary to complete the Torah reading, including the special holiday readings

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