The IDF, or, Israel Defense Forces, is the national military force of the State of Israel and consists of the Israeli Ground Force, the Israeli Air Force, and the Israeli Navy.

The IDF is headed by the Chief of Staff, who holds the rank of Lieutenant General and is the only active officer who does so. The current chief of staff is Herzi Halevi.

The IDF was formally established in May 1948 after the creation of the Jewish State, and it encompassed the three paramilitary groups that existed prior to the state -  the Hagana, the Irgun, and the Stern Gang (Lehi). 

Since the formation of the IDF, it has participated in six major wars including the War of Independence, the Six Day War, the Sinai War, the Yom Kippur War, and the first and second Lebanon Wars. Other operations include Operation Cast Lead, Operation Pillar of Defense, Operation Protective Edge, Operation Guardian of the Walls, and Operation Swords of Iron.

Conscription to the IDF is mandatory for both men and women over the age of 18, with women in non-combat positions serving for two years, and women in combat positions, and men, regardless of position, have a mandatory service of two years and eight months.

In addition to regular military duties and activities, the IDF responds to national emergencies or crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and provides personnel to carry out work alongside the civilian population.

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Israeli soldiers are finding Judaica in Gaza — and trying to locate the items’ owners

Similar posts of Judaica have cropped up in the more than eight months since Israel began its ground invasion of Gaza at the end of October.


Protestor threatened by cop with rape of his mother recounts violent incident to 'Post'

Footage showed the officer saying to Alroey, “I won’t identify myself to you, you son of a b****.” The officer then told Alroey, “I am going to rape your mother.”


Tracking Iran’s weapons route into the West Bank

The route is intended to flood the West Bank with weaponry, and by so doing, to eventually make this area a third front in the ongoing long war against Israel. 

Hostage talk delegation returns from Qatar, will resume negotiations next week

The delegation, led by Mossad chief David Barnea, returned after Hamas officials told Hezbollah that they would agree to a proposal that would lead to a ceasefire.


Killed in two minutes: IDF eliminates terrorists, continues Gaza activity

Only two minutes had passed after the terrorist launched projectiles towards Kibbutz Nahal Oz before he was killed, the IDF said.

Shifa Hospital incident reflects pattern of Israel's responsibility avoidance

The current leadership in Israel has shown a troubling pattern of evasion and blame-shifting, undermining the nation’s ability to navigate these turbulent times. 


My Word: Wars, elections, and a homecoming celebration

Every war, terror attack, and antisemitic act strengthens Jewish identity and brings more Jews back to the Jewish homeland. You can’t beat the irony.

 Israeli forces take positions behind vehicles, during a military operation, in Qabatiya, near Jenin

IDF kills two terrorists involved in death of Capt. Alon Sacgiu during Jenin counterterrorism actio

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IDF suspends reservists arrested at protests, prompting bias speculation

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With Raisi gone, where will new Iran president take the region?

Will a reformist win and chart a new course with the West and nuclear deal negotiations or will another hardliner win and continue Raisi’s anti-Western stance?

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