“The BDS movement deliberately asks public bodies to treat Israel differently from any other nation on the globe,” said Secretary of State Michael Gove.
The Governor of New Hampshire issued an executive order prohibiting the state from working with entities involved in the BDS movement.
Our challenges are your challenges; and your heartbreaking summers of rockets pummeling the cities of Israel, of innocent civilians losing lives to terror, are our veytik (“pain” in Yiddish).
Despite the Facebook post celebrating the actions of Ibrahim, the BDS website claims to urge “nonviolent pressure on Israel.”
Major American media outlets promote the film and amplify its patently false claims and narrative.
President Joe Biden had nominated Margon, who was criticized for previous bashing of Israel, to be assistant secretary of state for human rights.
The reality of Israel, and American Jews' image of Israel is not matching up
While the US is seeing relationships fall apart from disagreements, for the moment, Israel has social cohesion. It is dangerous to cause conflict between Israel and the diaspora by imposing US norms.