The EU has not spelled out what the sanctions would entail but officials have said they would include bans on travel to the EU.
Biden told Netanyahu that the US intends to continue to act against settlers who are involved in attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank.
The sanctions follow the US imposition of travel visa bans in December on people involved in violence in the West Bank.
To justify this terror-rewarding move, there was a need to show the violence from Israel’s side, namely “settler violence.”
If Israel effectively addressed settler violence by arresting and prosecuting perpetrators, the United States probably would not have imposed sanctions.
Paris has backed that initiative and diplomats have said they hoped that once its measures were in place it could speed up the European process.
Not only will it likely cause economic disruption to additional West Bank residents and organizations, but it could also pave the way for other countries to take similar measures.
The UK Foreign Secretary's office says these four Israelis threatened human rights in the West Bank.
The US sanctions against four Israeli West Bank settlers are especially far reaching and are typically reserved for terrorists.