Never throw away leftovers: 3 tasty ideas for the end of the pot

Don't toss that leftover majadra or cooked rice. Here are three delicious dishes you can make with it, turning leftovers into culinary treasures.

 Never throw away leftover majadra (photo credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)
Never throw away leftover majadra
(photo credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)

Do you have leftover majadra or just cooked rice? Don’t throw it away—here are three dishes you can make from it:

Vegetable Omelet:To half a cup of majadra or cooked rice, add 2 eggs and half a cup of chopped herbs. Season with salt, pepper, cumin, and turmeric. Heat a skillet with olive oil (1-2 cm deep), pour in the mixture, and fry for 2-3 minutes until firm and golden. Flip and fry for another minute or two.

Meatballs:In a bowl, mix 350 grams of ground beef or chicken with one cup of majadra (or cooked rice). Add a cup of chopped herbs, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, and 1 egg. Season with salt and a teaspoon of baharat spice. Shape into evenly-sized balls and fry in a skillet with olive oil (2-3 cm deep) until golden.

 Never throw away leftover majadra (credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)
Never throw away leftover majadra (credit: NIMROD SAUNDERS)

Rice and Greens Porridge:To half a cup of majadra or cooked rice, add 2 cups of boiling water and cook for about 20 minutes until the rice breaks down into the liquid and thickens. Season with a handful of chopped herbs (spinach and green onion are also good), half a clove of crushed garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, and turmeric. Stir and cook for another minute before serving.

Quick Tip:To speed up the rice cooking process, you can blend it before cooking.

In collaboration with Sugat