In an exclusive interview, ex-Pakistan PM discusses assassination attempts, military meddling, democracy’s demise, ‘muzzled media,’ and his role from the Afghanistan withdrawal to Russia
The new evidence shows that humans attempted to expand several times before the last successful expansion.
The new species include 24 amphibians, 19 fish, one mammal, 290 plants and 46 reptiles.
Arigato. Arigato gozaimasu. Thank you. Thank you, Japan, for taking us in.
Ties between Israel and South Korea have grown closer in the last decade. At the same time, relations have only reached a fraction of their true potential.
Many companies in Bahrain are now tending to lay off non-Bahraini employees in jobs that can be filled by citizens, according to their specialization.
The Israel-Asia Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a shared future between Israel and Asia, and educating and connecting the Israeli and Asian leaders of tomorrow.